This was probably one of the weirdest weeks I've ever experienced in my life. To start off, we have a family that is progressing super well and we've been working hard to get them married, and they finally put a date in June to fulfill with it. They have been attending church every week since we found them, and really the progress they've made is insane. We went to visit them this week, and things between them started to get out of hand and they got in a super bad fight and ended up separating. This has been super hard for both of them, and also for us to see how their lives have changed spiritually since the incident. The woman had to go to the hospital and currently is recovering from some dental issues that she faced.
Something that I learned from this situation is that no matter what our lives or circumstances may be, the Lord's arms are outstretched still inviting us all to partake of his salvation and love. No matter what color we are, how poor we think we are, or what mistakes we have made, he still loves us and is with us in these difficult times.
We had heard many rumors this week about a man that was murdered right next to our house. We went to visit one of our families and we noticed that all their windows are shattered and there is no one home. As we continued to talk with people and find out a little more about the murderer, we found out that it was one of our investigators that had stabbed a young man to death. We hadn't taught him that long, but his family was really progressing. The whole family was forced to move because all the neighbors disowned them and threatened to kill them if they didn't leave.
Despite all the craziness this week, we were still able to move forward in Faith, trusting in the Lord that we will continue to find new families that are searching for further truth and light in their lives. I studied President Nelson's talk from this past conference called "Come, Follow Me." Jesus Christ invites us to take the covenant path back home to our heavenly parents and be with those we love. Something I learned from this was that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ assures that every person will be resurrected and live forever, however, that doesn't include what kind of life we will live. Only those that are baptized, and make covenants in the temple and keep these covenants have the blessing of exaltation with their families forever. But, Jesus Christ invited ALL mankind to receive these covenants and blessings, but simply people choose not to. As a missionary, it's my role to help people and families so that they can have exaltation and have these wonderful blessings. Sometimes, and a lot of times, it's super hard, but with the knowledge of our restored gospel I'm happy and I don't worry because He is here with me.
Elder Rich
Today, we went today to the Monument of the Equator. It was a 2 hour bus ride there but was really cool. There was so much to see.